Ruslan Kalinovsky’s story

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Every addict wants to get off drugs, but only a few do

My name is Ruslan, I am 35 years old, and I want to share with you how I was able to quit drugs permanently.

I was using drugs for a long time.

It all started like with most drug addicts. I grew up in a typical family and had a normal upbringing. But unfortunately, I, like many others, ended up with the wrong crowd. I got under the influence of a messed-up environment and began to use drugs.

Life, like all addicts, was downhill until I committed a crime, which landed me in jail.

A terrible thing happened to me in prison: I got sucked into a lathe in which I would have died if I hadn’t snagged the power wire with my foot, and thus the lathe stopped.

All the circumstances of my life were screaming at me: “stop before it’s too late!”

The problem is that you are perfectly aware of everything, all the perniciousness of what you are doing, all the grim and destructive consequences of your lousy evil habits.

But the paradox is that you love what kills you!

But there was nothing I could do about it – I couldn’t escape the drugs. They had power over me and subjugated all my thoughts, feelings, and desires.

I was systematically deceiving my family and friends, not just cheating but also stealing.

So little by little, I spiraled downhill until someone brought me to a rehabilitation center. I went through an entire course of rehabilitation and was given complete freedom from the power of drugs in my life.

It seemed like everything was lost, there was no way out, every day was filled with guilt, shame, and fear, and there was no way out of this swamp.

A huge thank you to the rehab center staff for helping me get off drugs and reintegrate into society!

If you want to quit drugs for good, call now:

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